Thursday, April 8, 2010

dreams.. :) :)

d dreams .... dreams... n dreams....
d dreams black n white
some of dem which never kept quite
dreams of love as well of colours
dreams to be happy to bloom like flower
sometimes make me free to fly n fly
others like little birds.. to touch d sky
dreams to get rid of pain and sorrow
dreams for me to hav a b'ful tomorrow.. :)


Suree said...

dreams to make my life full of color
dreams to feel there is nothing to bother
dreams to dream further

Deepak said...

nice poem..keep it up :))

Absurdist said...

First of all i was shocked lookin at the pic... cos the pic has a great relation to one of the tragedies happened to me some days back... but thankfully the writing didnt multiply ma feelings...

a nice short piece of writing though...

i had read a Sigmund Freud's book.... in which he says....dreams are yo suppressed feelings and emotions.... give it a thought... keep bloggin deepa...

deepa kashyap said...

@suree nice extension :)

deepa kashyap said...

@deepak thnx :) :)

deepa kashyap said...

@ impuregod
ya thnk god it did nt hav any conn wth ur tragedy..
n thnx .. well me too agree dat we sud give words to our dreams if possible :)

Unknown said...

Well written:-)

deepa kashyap said...

thnx pavan..

listen to ur heart....